23 weeks pregnant with twins and feeling more tired by the day. I can still function and do all the things I need to, but I am usually in bed by 10pm:) I am getting slower at climbing the stairs, slower at getting ready and slower at pretty much everything. I can't move as well as I used too. My belly is just getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes it seems that over night it grows, and it is an inch larger in the morning.
The babies are very active now. I have felt them since week 15, but they are so active now that it is getting a little uncomfortable. Last night Joe and I watched my belly move and ripple as the babies kicked and punched. I don't remember my belly moving this much so that you could see this much from the outside until at least 29 weeks with Dallin. They are all squashed and balled up in there, and fighting for room that I think I see movement a lot more prominently than I did with Dallin. It is exciting though and very surreal. I love these little guys so much already.
Dallin is doing so great. He is learning and starting to understand the concept of two babies coming. He is potty training a little at a time right now. I am so proud of the big boy he is becoming. I am sure he will be a great big brother.
1 comment:
I cried when I found out Dallin had stitches. He is such a brave little boy, and very mature to be a good sport at 2. Whenever I hear of another grandchild getting a stitch or banging their head on something, I feel tremendous empathy for them and their mom and dad. We can blame their Grandma Hansen for these crazy accidents since she climbed up on the fireplace mantel and jumped off trying to "fly" at age 3, getting 8 stitches over her right eye where she collided with the coffee table...
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