WARNING: Severe photo overload.....I couldn't help myself. There were just so many cute pictures to choose from. This Halloween weekend was a blast. Look at your own risk:)
So Monday was Halloween and it was so fun!!! Dallin was a pirate and what a cute pirate he was. We loaded him up in the car and headed to the first street in our ward. We figured one street would be enough. At first he didn't want to hold his bucket of candy, but once he got the hand of it and realized there was candy being put in there, he wouldn't let go of the bucket. It was so much fun watching him run from house to house. He loved it and was so polite, saying thank you each time. It was also great seeing people in our new ward. Dallin was so great and I think he had a great time trick or treating.
Dallin Halloween 2011
Dallin saying
We had potato soup dyed orange and orange juice and rolls for dinner. Then we headed to my parents in Provo so they could see his costume. He got even more candy there. Stephanie and Caleb, my brother and sister in law came and brought candy for all the little chick-lens too, so he now has enough candy to last him a
loooooong time. I am trying to limit it to three candies a day. One after each meal, if he finishes his meal. Halloween was a blast.
The Saturday before Halloween, we went to
Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. Our friends Brian and Ashley and their sons were going, so we thought it would be fun.
Dallin had a blast and he loved chasing Tyson around. He got a lot of cool things in like......

Riding in a cow train, super cool. Look at his face, he is so satisfied with his situation.

He shot corn from a gun with Daddy.

He got stuck in a spider web with Daddy.

He sailed on "Captain Hook's" ship.

He bounced on a huge bouncy platform with Daddy.
Then we went racing. It was a blast for
Dallin, Joe and maybe even, uh-

Look at Joe's face, it's classic.

Getting pushed by Daddy.
Dallin loved this part.

Me getting a little racing in myself. I admit it was hard with a big pregnant belly getting in the way, but it was oh so fun. Love my face. We all make funny faces without realizing it I think. Check out
Dallin's below.

Oh yeah! Great face
Dallin and Daddy racing together. Some more funny faces, courtesy of Joe.
Dallin did some duck racing with water pumps.

Joe climbed a wall with Brian. I'll let you guess who won:)
Dallin slid down a slide with Daddy!
Dallin climbed in a firetruck...oh he loved this part so much!

Daddy with his boy in a big, huge, ginormous rocking chair.

Mommy and her other two boys(still in the belly) in the big, huge, ginormous rocking chair.
Dallin and Mommy being barn animals....
Dallin and his Daddy being barn animals....
Dallin played with ginormous corn balls that bounced.
Dallin loved bouncing on this bouncy horse. He actually did really well. You can see just how much lift he got. I would say there is a good two inches of clearance under that horse. Way to go
Dallin bouncing with his Daddy. Joe looks confused, but really he was saying look at
Dallin go!
Dallin did a great job. Much better than Joe,

I decided to get in on the action and I couldn't stop laughing. It felt so weird bouncing up and down with my big belly. I think Joe struggled a little getting us off the ground. What do you think? I don't think his face gives him away at all.....not.

Over all we had a fun time and ended with the corn maze, which was a quick short trip into the maze. The two little boys didn't do so hot staying right by us and we quickly decided to get out. I didn't want to lose them in there, since I very well could lose myself in there.
It was a fun day. I look forward to going back next year:)
oh my! that looks like sooo much fun! i see why you had a hard time letting go of any pictures. you guys are the cutest. heather, you are seriously looking SO fabulous.
That looks so fun and fallish! I wish we had something cool like that here. Dallin was such a cute Pirate!. You guys all look fantastic as usual. ;)
Cute pirate! Glad you guys could come to Cornbellys. We love hanging out with you guys.
When you said Brian and Ashley and their boys...that tripped me up for a second. I have boys don't I? It just sound weird at first.
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