Plain and simple statement, but it is the truth. He is such an amazing father, husband and priesthood holder. He does so many things for Dallin and I, and so many others around him. He works hard, long hours on our business and sometimes I know I don't give him enough thanks. I love him so dearly and I am so thankful for him. I think the men in our lives deserve so much more praise and gratitude than we give them at times. I am always quick to thank him when he does something for me...but I know I can say it more often and with more sincerity. I found evidence of just how hard these men in our lives work....enter exhibit A.
Do you see how sleepy eyed these two fathers look? Joe on the left looks like he is about to snooze and so does Brian on the right. After a long days work, both these men took the time to play with their children and let their wives talk with each other and hang out.Then look at our children behind them. Dallin on the right is wide eyed and bushy tailed, full of energy and pizazz and so is Tyson on the right. They are exhausting, even if you didn't just work a long 10 hour day.
Their fathers love them and play with them and make them feel special even after a long days work. Joe doesn't just come home and say, " I am exhausted, so I am just going to lounge for a few hours.." Nope, he plays with Dallin and wrestles with him. He helps him learn new things and keeps him entertained and out of the kitchen so I can do dinner. What a wonderful man he is.
Joe, if you are reading this, Thank you. I love you. Thank you for all you do. You are the best husband and father and we are so lucky to have you.