Right now Joe and I are feeling a huge loss. Wednesday I went it for our 12 week checkup for the baby. They couldn't find the heartbeat with the sonogram, so we went it for the scheduled ultrasound like normal. I wasn't too worried, but had a knot in the pit of my stomach, like I knew something wasn't right.When the ultrasound started I knew at once that the baby was gone. I saw a perfect, little, two inch baby, with little arms and legs, a little spinal cord and it was all so perfect, but...there was no heartbeat. I knew this instantly. The tech left to get a second opinion. She came back in and looked for a good 10 minutes, but I knew what they were going to tell me already. Finally the doctor came in, and told me he was sorry, but the baby was gone. There was no heartbeat. I cried. Dallin got scared and the nurse took him out. The Doctor told me there were two options. I could take some medicine to help me pass the baby, but with how large the baby already was he was worried that I wouldn't pass it all naturally and that they still would find some residue left behind. My other option was to have surgery, a DNC to remove everything cleanly and to be sure I could conceive again was almost a 100% certainty.
I left the office with those two options in mind. I was alone and Dallin was crying. I had to call Joe and tell him the horrible news. It was awful. Neither one of us knew what to do.
I got a blessing from Joe and dear friend. I knew what to do and I felt at peace with it. I went in for surgery yesterday morning. Everything went well. I have been in a lot of pain, cramping and lots of physical discomfort, but it is getting better and better each hour. I grieve this baby, but I know and Joe knows that it will all be fine. I struggled with feeling like it was my fault, but that too is subsiding and I know that things like this just happen. You can't explain it, but then again, you don't have to. I have faith in the gospel and know that everything is going to be fine. I wasn't expecting this to happen, but I take a lot of comfort in knowing what I know. Families are forever and the gospel is true. I felt this baby, I felt it's spirit. I don't know that I will ever raise this baby some day, I don't know how all that will play out, but I do know one thing. That I was privileged enough to carry this sweet spirit for 12 weeks and I am thankful for that.
I think until you experience something like this, you don't realize just how hard it is. But my Savior did experience this, and He does know. I can turn to Him in everything and He is there for me now.
I am so thankful for a wonderful husband and a wonderful family. I love all my friends and the wonderful support they all have been. I am blessed, truly blessed.
If I have learned anything from this experience it is this....Love. I have felt it, pure and undefiled from my Father in Heaven, My Savior and all my family and friends. I am so thankful.