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Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I finally got around to taking some pictures of Dallin in his blessing tux. He was blessed on May 3rd and it was so beautiful. We had so many family members there, it was so wonderful. I played around with the pictures a bit. Let me know which ones you guys like the best. I think I did an okay job.

This two I love, but I can't decide between black and white or sepia.

I absolutely adore his little face in these two.

And here is a fun view of his tux. My mom sewed it for him and he looks adorable in it. I love it and I love him.

1 comment:

Grandma Hansen said...

He is SO handsome! As I view each set of pictures, I can see the changes in his face and how much he is maturing. Can't wait to play with Dallin in July!