So I know that you have like 28 teeth or something like that, if you don't have your wisdom teeth, which I don't. They were pulled when I was 16 and I looked like a chipmunk for a good 2 weeks.
I have had the worst luck with my teeth, or genetics, because I think luck really has nothing to do with it. I brush my teeth 3 times a day, I floss each night (should do it in the
morning, but always forget) and I use mouth wash each time I brush. You would think that my teeth would be great, healthy and strong.
They are NOT.
Sadly, my teeth have given me the worst nightmares since they came in as a child. And it seems that no matter how hard I try to take care of them, I end up with another cavity, another root canal, another crown to put on, another
apico to do, another retreat to spend money on...
About two years ago, I had to have a tooth pulled, do to a failed root canal, a failed
apico and a failed retreat of the root canal.
Soooo after spending, literally thousands of dollars trying to keep the tooth and putting myself through tons of pain. I lost it anyways.
It was so traumatic for me. I felt that not only one tooth was missing, but two were. The gap seemed larger than one, and I felt so self
conscious. I was a hilly billy with missing teeth!!! I have been living with only 27 teeth and it has been so annoying. Everytime I want to chew something on my right side where the tooth is missing, I am abruptly reminded I cannot, when that sharp chip, or that cold icecream hits my exposed, gaping hole of a gum line, it hurts, it freezes like ice and throbs when it gets pushed on.
BUT...over the last year I have been going through the process of getting a tooth implant. I had a bone graft, a shaft placed and I had to wait for it to heal.
I am happy to say that tomorrow, after years of being a toothless hill billy...hahah....I am finally getting "a" tooth back. I won't be my own, but at least there won't be this huge gap where my molar used to be. Hurray!!!
I can hardly wait to chew on my right side again! The bliss!