(view from the hot air balloon Joe took me on for my birthday)Do you ever have those days where you just feel so incredibly lucky? You realize that you have the best life in the entire world and you know, or you feel, like no one could quite possibly understand just how happy you feel?
It is kinda of like when I was little. I used to ponder for hours if I was truly the only person that was really experiencing this life. I know it was egocentric, but as a child your world revolves around yourself and what you do, so I pondered my life. I remember sitting in the field behind my house one summer afternoon. I think I was 7 or 8. The sun was shining down on my face, warming my closed eyelids as I laid face up in the field of two feet high grass. I remember thinking, " I am the only one in this world that truly knows what it feels like to sit in the sun and enjoy it's warmth." I truly believed it too. I loved those lazy summer days, and for some reason I truly believed that I was the only one truly experiencing all these emotions, feelings and joys. As I got older, I knew differently, but there are still some days that I sit, as an adult, fully aware of others feelings, lives and events and I still, every once in awhile get those....I feel so lucky moments, like, "could anyone else really understand how I feel?" moments.
There really is nothing spectacular that happens on these days when I get a glimpse into true and sure bliss. There is no dramatic event occurring either. No gift is given, no out of the ordinary service rendered toward myself and yet, they do happen. Out of the blue and suddenly they appear and I am grateful for them. It is in these moments that I can take a huge breath and see my life, maybe just maybe as my Father in Heaven sees me always. That this life if for us. It is for our purposes, to learn, to grow...to love. I feel the responsibility and the blessing all at once that this life is for me. I love to take a deeper look and ask myself, "what am I doing with this blessing, What am I doing with this gift of life that He has given me?" . I love to look at my life when these moments of happiness come, because although it seems contradictory, it is in these moments of unique clarity that I think I truly see my life as it really is. And I am so thankful for it. For all of it.