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Friday, February 18, 2011


I just love this view.

I get to see this each and every night. Dallin LOVES to play and wrestle with his dad and lately he loves to do the above.
Joe is great with him and loves to give him play time and attention.
I am very grateful for this.
Sometimes I think we take for granted the pure delight our child can give us. Granted, Dallin doesn't always like to play with us, sometimes he wants to do his thing. In fact, I think some days he gets bored with me, but I love that he will play with me now. It is such a fun age, as well as a very trying age. He loves to say NO! I think it is his favorite word and he is pretty good at saying it. But, he also loves to say please and thank you. He can be polite and disobedient all in the same minute, but that is what makes a two year old a two year old.
They are learning, growing, testing out their world, their boundaries.
I just have to keep in mind that he needs us, needs a nuturing atmostphere, one that enables him to show love and be loved in return.
I just love this age right now, even with all the ups and downs.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Sweet picture. G loves no too, at first I hated it and now I just laugh. It's pretty funny. You're so right, each stage comes and goes so quickly so best to enjoy!:) Dallin really looks grown up and handsome to me.