Dallin is growing super fast. In the last month he finally decided to crawl, pull up to furniture, walk holding onto the furniture, get into everything that is within an arms reach high while standing and last but not least not take two naps any more:( haha, well good for him, but not so good for me! I loved having two nap times to get things done, but now I cram it all into one 2.5 hour nap.
His personality is hilarious now. He loves to laugh, scrunch his face and make you laugh. Here is a pic of him demonstrating his mad skills.
(he will pretty much pose like this at will for any photo)
His little face is getting so mature now. I can't believe how much he looks like Joe on some days. I look at him and I am like....wow...that's Joe. But then some days, I think he looks like me. It differs from day to day. He is now saying mum for mom, and dada for dad, he kinda says puppy, because he has a stuffed puppy that he sleeps with, dreams with and plays with constantly. It is best friend for now, until a real puppy can be bought and handled by me....I just need to come to grips with getting a dog, it will come, but in time...
(doesn't he look like Joe?????)
Because Dallin is so mobile now, he has a harder time going to sleep. He can stand and jump now, so he loves to get up, and jump in his crib when he should be sleeping. I heard some thumps that other day while he was "taking his nap" and this picture below shows what I found as I entered his room.
(trying to look so innocent, but who's he kidding??? I caught him red handed)
The little rascal, loves to try to get out of his nap if he can. But no worries, I am stalwart and I don't give in. They need their sleep much more than we do, so I make it a personal goal to make sure he gets his nap. It is extremely hard to not just go and pick him up whenI see this little face staring right back at me.
Dallin is doing great at 11 months. He eats pretty much anything we give him, though...there isn't a lot you should be giving him yet, he isn't one yet, so of course, he doesn't really have a plethora of yummy food yet, but he is an excellent eater. He LOVES multi grain cheerios. He will just keep eating them if I let him.
He loves his baths. He will splash like crazy until I, the rug and the walls of the bathroom are soaked. I just love to see him go wild in there, he has so much fun.
He LOVES his daddy. Every day when Joe leaves for work, Dallin stands by the front window and waves goodbye. He loves to see his dad when he comes home from work. His eyes light up, he claps his hands, and shrieks for joy. He is definitely a momma's boy though. I mean, he can't really help it when he is around me 24/7. He is having a harder time than normal being away from me. Which is strange for it to start now, but oh well.
We love him so much and are so thankful to have him in our lives. You are my most favorite son Dallin ;).
Oh so cute! I love your pictures. Dallin is like a miniature little Joe. I love it :)
What a cute kid! That one picture looks so much like Joe, but I think he has some of you in him too. I loved reading this beacause it makes me excited for when Grace starts doing all those fun things! But for now I'll enjoy getting more things done ;) His big eyes are just gorgeous.
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